Archive for September, 2012

Cloud Hosting for Beginners

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

Cloud Hosting has become so popular in these days so I thought of writing an article on Cloud Hosting for Beginners. What is Cloud Hosting ? It work same as hosing but only difference is many people can share the resources and data among the users among the Cloud Hosting net work. So a web site which is hosted in a Cloud Hosting network will run on many connected networks. In other words the same web site is hosted in many servers.

In this Cloud Hosting for Beginners article I would like to talk on Why people moved in to Cloud Hosting from traditional hosting ? The reason behind that was with the traditional hosting it was very hard to increase the band with. Whenever they wanted to increase the bandwidth they shift their servers. That was really irritating. Because it takes time to install a new web site in other hosting server. Cloud hosting do not limit so the users have the freedom to extend their bandwidth and storage at any time they want. Also in cloud hosting the processing speeds of a web site is three or four times faster than it in a normal hosting because there are multiple servers.And it is really good advantage when it comes to surfing speed.

Furthermore in the Cloud Hosting for Beginners I would like to discuss on advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Hosting.  Cloud Hosting, is it cheap ? that will be the first question that will come on to your mind. This is really cheaper than web hosting because you will need a controlled area and computers to run a server. Cloud Hosting will minimize the hard ware consumption so the cost will be reduced. The other factor when you talking about servers is the down times. As the normal traditional hosting are inter connected with hardware there are lot of down times in traditional hosting. But you will hardly find a down time in cloud hosting. As I mentioned earlier it is very hard to increase the bandwidth or storage in a traditional hosting but that will be very easy in a cloud network.So your customers will be able to connect with your web site all the time so that you will not disappointing your customers.Another advantage in Cloud Hosting is that you do not need to be with the hosting all the time in other word very little control is needed in order to run a Cloud Hosting network. But in normal hosting services it is required to control the hosting all the time. A Cloud Hosting network will not halt when the number of traffic increases suddenly. How many times we have seen that web site taking too long to respond when there are higher number of traffic ? Therefore if your web site is expecting many visitors in future you better host it in a cloud server.

In the conclusion of this Cloud Hosting for Beginners what I have to say is that Cloud Hosting is a real change in Internet and you will see it more in coming years. I hope this Cloud Hosting for Beginners article helped you a lot to get an understanding about Cloud Hosting and in future I will write many articles like Cloud Hosting for Beginners.

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