Posts Tagged ‘Web Hosting’

The Web Hosting Growth Is More Than Just A Short-Term Adjustment

Friday, December 9th, 2011

Although the economy still does not show any encouraging signs, a few niches are registering important growths. One of these niches is related to the web hosting companies. Many services have already announced an increase of about 20% over the last year. Obviously, these results are due to the fact that these companies provide some top-notch technologies to their end-users, who continue to demand bandwidth services, which fuel these companies.

Most clients, including resellers and end users, are looking for flexible and secure computing infrastructures, which can help them to manage different service offerings. Additionally, the global rise in bandwidth-hungry applications and internet usage is leading to an increase in the demand from the international service providers. The cloud-based companies combine their technologies with different other services that are able to provide top-notch offerings. This is because most of these providers are acting like bridges between different areas, offering various products which can capitalize certain services.

As a result, most web hosting companies are experiencing great growths, which allow them to develop their service propositions even more. Thus, these services are able to offer some very cost-effective and flexible computing services. Moreover, the large private cloud infrastructures allow them to continuously deliver their clients new and advanced services. Obviously, all these things are able to sustain the fast pace that the development within the web hosting niche is currently registering.

The top web hosting companies are preferred by most clients especially because they can offer some unconstrained, secure and scalable connectivity platforms on which the users may build their own computing and data offerings. To all these, the service providers are also adding the latest fiber optic equipments which bring along the best possible technologies. Therefore, these companies do not only have the top equipments and services but also the right to become the best ones within this field.

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The PG&E Energy Program For Web Hosting Companies

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

Most web hosting companies are instituting different energy efficiency measures that belong to the PG&E energy program. Many modern companies are committed to these types of programs especially because these projects are able to minimize the impact of their activities on our environment.

A really important aspect that relates to these programs is the fact that they are able to reduce the costs for their customers by simply providing the most-advanced technologies. The specialists estimate that the new measures are capable to save about 10,000,000 Kilowatts every year.

In order to help these companies to provide the most cost-efficient web hosting solutions, the new PG&E program delivers different technical services. Additionally, it analyzes the energy efficiency of these companies.

The utility centers offer a large portfolio of new technologies, which include consolidation, virtualization, idle disks, high efficiency conditioning, data storage systems, network management software and many others. These centers also analyze the documents for data center projects, which can provide the best energy savings.

Thanks to the PG&E program, the web hosting companies are able to benefit from an exceptional PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness), which rates 1.37 – figure that is superior to the average industrial PUE of only 2.0. In order to achieve the rate of 1.37, the companies are installing some truly efficient infrastructure components, such as the UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies). This component is based on the energy efficiency ratings.

Furthermore, there are a few mechanical improvements that relate to redesigning the cooling systems in order to minimize the power requirements. The new projects also include the use of the natural density of the cold air, which can improve the energy efficiency even more. Moreover, the PG&E intends to reform the existing project into the best energy-efficient program.

This project delivers the most efficiency technologies, which are means to help customers to save money. Thus, this program is capable to provide the right financial incentives and technical assistance, which can support the latest tools for energy efficiency.

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The New Web Hosting Automation Tools Help You Improve Your Services

Monday, December 5th, 2011

Lately, the web hosting providers have released a series of new automation tools that are able to help different companies to improve their services. Obviously, this thing allows end users to enjoy some truly high quality services, which are always ready to support their virtual efforts. In this highly competitive segment, the new automation tools, which can provide some truly high end web hosting services, offer different companies the chance to become the best alternatives within this field.

Therefore, those companies that intend to get the new tools must focus on improving their efficiency by expanding their bottom lines, margins and customer service. As the automation tools are already gaining more and more ground, most clients intend to select a service that comes along with all these new technologies. This thing is definitely very important for growing a business.

But what do the new automation tools actually mean? In order to comprehend all the aspects that relate to these tools, the web hosting providers must know that the automation tools can literally help them to offer their end clients a set of important functions, which are meant for continuous use.

The new technologies which provide the automation tools include functions, such as customer service, monitoring, billing, provisioning and many others. Obviously, by simply having such tools, you are positioned for a very profitable growth.

As most web hosting developers and end users are continuously searching for different automation tools, they must consider a very important thing which can help them to get the best possible alternatives. Thus, what they have to do is to identify their individual needs and get the automation tools that cover all of their demands.

Additionally, in order to get the expected outcomes, all these aspirants must find the most suitable hosting “ally” that can provide the right technology, which is ready to sustain their success. Therefore, anyone who wants to grow his or her business and get the best out of using different automation web hosting tools must consider all the aforementioned aspects.

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