Posts Tagged ‘Virtual Cloud Infrastructure’

Virtual Cloud Infrastructure by Radical Support

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

Radical Support announced the launch of their Virtual Cloud Infrastructure earlier today.  This new virutal cloud infrastructure will allow businesses to easily, affordably and securely host all of their applications, servers, desktops and data within Radical Support’s state of the art, SAS-70 Type-II certified data center.

The new Virtual Cloud Infrastructure will allow companies to host all of their everyday applications and data in an off-site virtual cloud network infrastructure designed and managed by Radical Support.  Virtual cloud will have the best reliability, security and performance available in the industry.

“Our Virtual Cloud Infrastructure is highly scalable and can be partitioned securely for each client network and matched to their exact needs,” said John Carter, CEO of Radical Support.  “Our clients now have the ability to bundle all of their technology needs, including servers, storage, desktops and software licensing into a fixed monthly fee.  The Virtual Cloud Infrastructure scales on demand as our clients’ needs change and it completely eliminates large up-front capital expenditures for equipment.”

“In today’s economy clients are interested in lowering technology costs for hardware and software upgrades,” said John Mamon, COO of Radical Support.  “Our Virtual Cloud Infrastructure clients will appreciate the scalability and robustness of the solution.  Increasing or decreasing the number of users, applications or servers is easily managed without additional hardware expenses – freeing up vital cash flow.”

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