Posts Tagged ‘Micro Sites cloud server’

Ways To Make Money Online With Micro Sites

Monday, October 4th, 2010

I am among the many people who eyes internet with “ka-chings” and dollar signs. I have been scheming up ways to make online with micro sites because I hear that this has been very lucrative and they say it’s fairly easy to do. I have known a lot of people who have told me different ways on how to make money online with micro sites and most of them, I have met online. Despite the differences of the nature of their sites and personality, there was always something that I found similar to everything that they said: you have to work harder than your regular 8-hour job and after you do, your income is boundless but limited only by the amount of effort that you are willing to put in. If you want to know the ways to make money online with micro sites, then you should stop asking questions like, “what do I need to do to achieve this amount of money” or “how much work do I have to put in.” There is probably only one tip that will help you to make money online from micro sites: work for it.

There are a lot of ways to make money online from micro sites and it is not something that is exceptional. However, most people start with a lot of enthusiasm but end up not putting enough effort to monetize on their sites. One of the many issues being faced  by these people include the proper way of building support sites. People who have no enough experience does not know the proper way to make money online from micro sites and they seem to be doing it all wrong. Everything is in the wrong direction, including their support sites which have zero to short posts and totally on backlinks. Of course, without the two, it would be pretty impossible to get your site indexed so don’t expect much. Here are some tips and ways to make money online with micro sites:

  1. Stay away from external keyword tool because it does not help your site at all. The estimates provided by this particular tool are either too high or too low and when you check the CPC, it’s way off. Instead, it would be best to use Search Based tool for your research—that is, if you really want to make money online.
  2. Use “useable” keywords. Try to avoid keywords that can never be used. They are called keywords because when people search about particular topics, these configuration of words are often used. For instance, if your site gives out tips on how to make money from home, then “make money from home” is a keyword that you will use because people would be searching with those keywords.
  3. Check out the competition. One of the best ways to make money online with micro sites is to check the competition and know how much competition do you have for a particular keyword. You need to know how many people out there wants to find more ways to make money online with micro sites using the same keyword as you are.
  4. Have the right type of hosting.  Having expensive hosting will kill your profits.   Having all your sites hosted in the cloud will help you to save money and have the best hosting available.
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