Posts Tagged ‘Igor Seletskiy’

SingleHop Launches CloudLinux OS

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

Managed hosting provider SingleHop ( has launched the CloudLinux ( operating system, its first product under its Cascade cloud hosting services program.

CloudLinux operating system is designed to increase server density by “improving stability and reliability using isolation technology to create Lightweight Virtual Environments,” says CloudLinux at the Parallels Summit a couple months back.

To date CloudLinux OS is the only Linux–based OS that is for shared hosting providers.  The cloud hosting is all on a shared hosting platform.  This announcement was not a big surprise considering they said a month ago that they would soon be coming out with something like this.  According to Cloud Linux founder Igor Seletskiy “CloudLinux is easily interchangeable with Centos or Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the switch can be made “within five minutes.”

Cost?  Available for free with any server above $179.00 per month

Full Cloud Linux OS Article

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