Cloud Hosting Basics

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Posted on 29th September 2010 by cloudhostingguy in Cloud Hosting

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Cloud hosting also referred to as enterprise hosting is currently the most trendy and reliable hosting solutions available nowadays. Since its inception it has eliminated a number of problems and challenges that can occur with hosting. This type of hosting has many benefits. A few of these are highlighted below.

The first thing that can be noted about this type of hosting is that it is a group of clustered servers which share processing speed, hard drives, memory and power among other things. It is extremely cost effective and allows for scalability. The joy of this type of hosting is that if for example one of the servers crash then all that has to be done is to get the malfunctioning server replaced.

Cloud hosting is the number one choice for small to medium businesses as it provides consistent service. Due to the cluster of servers that it possesses there is no chance of work being delayed or disrupted. The advantage of this too is that it allows for faster downloads and also offers the option of having more than one hardware or software to be downloaded simultaneously without slowing down the process.

Unlike the long-established hosting methods the user is able to have more than one code as various servers can support different codes. The user is able to have ASP and PHP files. There is no longer the need to make a choice.

Larger businesses are not be left out as they too can benefit from the cluster of servers. It can be quite beneficial on days which the business gets an excess amount of traffic. The resources are more than available to deal with this upsurge.

There are three basic types of enterprise or cloud hosting. There is Private hosting, Public hosting and Hybrid hosting. With these entire options one would think that it would be a costly venture but it is quite the opposite. It is most affordable especially for the newer businesses. The only costs that you would incur are those for the power and space that you utilize. Resources can be added and removed as they are needed.

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  1. Jesse Labrocca says:

    Very nice explanation about Cloud Hosting. I’ve been finding about such east to get explanations but I didn’t have them anywhere.

    Also, thanks for telling the available hosting for Cloud Hosting i.e Private hosting, Public hosting and Hybrid hosting. I’d like to know more about Hybrid hosting. Anyways you this post was very informative.


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    3rd October 2010 at 12:08 pm

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