Archive for March, 2011 Cloud Hosting Solution

Monday, March 21st, 2011 launched a highly advanced Cloud Hosting Infrastructure, offering a number of new cloud hosting services. Their new cloud server offering is a self-serving web hosting and Internet Infrastructure platform that is known for its attributes of being highly scalable, highly reliable, cost-effective and fast. Typically, offered on pay-as-you-go basis, the concept largely facilitates in off loading selective IT workloads and ensure increased responsiveness towards your business needs and superior efficiencies.

“We are thrilled to bring to our customers the absolute cloud hosting solution. It is today’s industry-leading hosting solution,” stated Mr. Murphy John, the M.D. of the company. “We are well equipped and have the expertise to manage and maintain all critical applications and infrastructures for leading companies, worldwide”.

“You don’t need to learn Cloud computing. Just start using it”. stated by Mr. Sameer Kambli, the head of technology. he also added, “Cloud hosting built on the platform can scale to 8 CPUs with 96GB RAM and run virtually any operating system. We also provides High Availability hosting services powered by a load-balanced cluster of servers”.

More details about the cloud servers available  through Indsoft you can visit:

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Update on Fibernet and HIT Customer Situation

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

Fibernet released some news yesterday assuring former HIT clients that it has no intention of shutting down HIT’s servers, which must obviously be a great relief to HIT’s 15,000 plus clients. All in all, Fibernet seems to be getting a handle on the situation, taking calls and connecting clients to web design providers so that they can get a move on the design projects left hanging when HIT closed practically overnight.

It’s slow going but hopefully a messy situation can be smoothly resolved for the people at Fibernet and HIT’s clients.



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Amazon Cloud Hosting Now With Internet Access

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 Web Services is furthering their dominance in the cloud hosting by allowing users to make their cloud serverdirectly accessible to the internet (bypassing the need for a VPN).

Users can actually specify which of their Amazon VPC (virtual private cloud, also known as a cloud server to all the non-cloud techies) resources they wish to make directly accessible to the Internet and which they do not. Customers would have more control over the virtual networking environment, including selection of IP address range, creation of subnets, and configuration of route tables and network gateways.  This will allow them to overall have much more control and customization over their cloud server.

What does this mean?

When you break it all down is means that Enterprise users can create a public-facing subnet for web servers that have access to the Internet, and placing backend systems such as databases or application servers in a private-facing subnet with no Internet access (and a VPN connection).  They can now store large amounts of cloud data on the Amazon S3, with specific permissions being only allowed to VPC cloud server

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