Archive for December, 2010

Tron Movie Reviews From The Experts

Friday, December 17th, 2010

Tron Legacy came out today.  I haven’t seen it but I am planning on seeing it this weekend.  For all you movie lovers out there.  Here are some of the top reviews across the nation from all the well known movie critics.

The Reviews:

Associated Press: While director Joseph Kosinski’s feature film debut is thrilling and cool-looking for about the first half, its races, games and visuals eventually grow repetitive, which only draws attention to how flimsy and preposterous the script is from Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz…

Dallas Morning News: That’s all the movie has going for it [the special effects], and in just about every other way a movie can fail, Tron: Legacy does…

Daily Mail: Overblown, overlong and an utter waste of money and time, it is a super-catastrophic Disney folly aimed at sad geeks…

Chicago Sun Times (Roger Ebert): The plot is another matter. It’s a catastrophe, short-changing the characters and befuddling the audience. No doubt an online guru will produce a synopsis of everything that happens, but this isn’t like an opera, where you can peek at the program notes….

Slashfilm (G-Baby from Ron & Fez): To describe any film as “a roller coaster” is a complete cliche, but TRON: Legacy is almost begging for it. Director Joseph Kosinski, whether he knows it or not, has constructed the film as such: There’s the quick build at the beginning, a whole bunch of action at the front, a lull in the middle and an exciting twisty, turny finish. But, like a roller coaster, the slow parts are forgivable because the ride is so much fun and that’s what TRON: Legacy is, one of the most fun films of the year…

IGN Movies: What viewers will get, regardless of their relationship with the 1982 film, is a thrilling, moving 3D adventure that will leave you wanting more…

AV Club: The original Tron was by no means perfect—it was barely adequate, for that matter—but it nonetheless had a sense of fun and adventure, turning on the adolescent fantasy of arcade junkies being inside the games they play. Director Joseph Kosinski teases the audience with updated light-cycle and discus-game showdowns, but it’s only an homage; his Tron pretends to greatness in ways that snuff out any flickers of joy…

Screen Junkies: Tron Legacy is great because of the story, not the effects or style. It is full of pretty ladies, impressive physical specimens and wild characters. I love Quorra (Olivia Wilde) the happy program, and all the quirks Castor (Michael Sheen) lets loose just because he can. This is a world you’ll want to revisit again and again…

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Apple Leaks

Friday, December 17th, 2010

The Wall Street Journal has a story about the employee of an Apple supplier who was indicted for leaking Apple secrets to a colleague, including iPhone 4 details. But more interesting are his revelations about what Apple will fire you over.

Forbes unearthed revelations after scouring through the court documents, and according to a phone conversation with Walter Shimoon, the Flextronics biz dev director who was indicted, any mention of the term “K48” will land your ass the first ticket out of 1 Infinite Loop. K48, you see, was the codename for the (now released) iPad, which was under heavy secrecy when this phone conversation was recorded.

What happens if you unknowingly mention a codename by accident? Does the entire Apple campus go into lockdown mode when this happens? Does Steve step out of the shadows and waterboard you? I guess that’s the risk you run when you help to create MAGIC. [WSJ via Fortune]

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Rackspace Buys Cloudkik

Thursday, December 16th, 2010

Large hosting and cloud hosting company Rackspace has aquired Cloudkick for an undisclosed amount of money. Cloudkick, which opened it’s doors in early 2009, helps to provide detailed graphs on your servers, and tools to categorize and keep information about what each server is doing.  This should help the cloud server giant know a little better what is going on with your servers.

Cloudkick has a little over 1,500 businesses that it helps, from Fortune 500 enterprises to small start-ups.  Cloudkick has helped more than 1 million servers know a little better what is going on.

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